Parking Permit Process:
Parking permit fees are $48 for a student semester permit and $3 for a daily permit. Both semester and daily permits can be obtained through Insite or MyCampusPermit.com.
Student semester permits and staff permits must be displayed in plain view with all numbers and markings clearly visible. Daily permits are virtual and are not required to be printed or displayed.
Failure to obtain and display a valid parking permit will result in a citation. For help with your permit, call 1-800-700-4417 or visit MyCampusPermit.com.
Students, staff, and faculty will need to provide their vehicle license plate number, make, and color of the vehicle. If you will be driving a different vehicle during the term, you will need to update your vehicle information HERE" or call 1-800-700-4417 BEFORE parking on campus.
General Parking Information
All persons parking at any of the campuses in the Contra Costa Community College District must purchase a valid permit for the day vehicle will be on campus. To avoid a citation, please park in authorized spaces only. This is a summary of District Parking Policies. Detailed information, including faculty/staff and student lot locations, are available from the District Police Department Office at each campus.
A Contra Costa Community College District parking permit is required from 7 a.m.-11 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 7 a.m.-5 p.m. on Friday. Parking permits are NOT required after 5 p.m. on Fridays and on weekends. Permits must be properly displayed at all times while on campus, so that they are visible to a person standing in front of your vehicle.
Some parking lots allow those with valid student or daily permits to park in faculty/staff spaces after 5 p.m. Monday-Friday and on weekends. Sign are posted at the select lots.
How do I purchase a permit?
Students registering for classes using InSite will have the opportunity to pay for the semester parking permit. Information has already been placed on InSite landing page indicating this new feature. A link has been included in InSite after the student completes the process of registering for classes.
How much does a permit cost?
Student parking permits are required for Fall, Spring and Summer semesters. Fall and Spring permits are $48.00 for cars and trucks, and $30.00 for motorcycles and mopeds. Summer permits are $25.00 for cars and trucks, and $15.00 for motorcycles and mopeds. Daily permits, good only to park in student lots, may be purchased online at mycampuspermit.com for $3.00.
Students who qualify for the Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver will pay $25.00 for cars and trucks.
Semester permits can be purchased online through www.MyCampusPermit.com. Permits are no longer available for purchase at the campus.
Daily parking permits are $3.00 a day and may be purchased at mycampuspermit.com. Through this website is the only way to purchase a semester or daily permit for the Contra Costa Community College District, and permits are valid at all of our locations.
Where do I park?
Students may park only in the lots designated as student lots. A map of the campus and the location of these lots may be obtained from the District Police Department Office at each campus.
Staff, Faculty, Students, and guests who have a state DMV issued accessible placard, or license plates may park in any designated disabled space at any of our locations.
Accessible Parking
Staff, Faculty, Students, and guests who have a state DMV issued accessible placard, or license plates may park in any designated disabled space at any of our locations.
Campus Maps
Contra Costa College Campus Map
Diablo Valley College Campus Map
Los Medanos Colllege Campus Map
Los Medanos College, Brentwood Center
What is the fine for a citation?
Failure to obtain a valid parking permit will result in a citation. The fine for illegal parking without a parking permit is $40.00.
Do you have a grace period?
Grace period for student parking permits is allowed the first week of each semester. No citations are issued for vehicles legally parked in marked student spaces during this period. Vehicles illegally parked in staff, disabled, no parking, or other restricted areas are subject to citation at all times.
Students, Faculty and Staff:
Purchase a semester parking permit.
Please print your temporary permit after your purchase is completed.