Parking Permits
A Parking Permit will be required at all SCCCD Campuses.
SCCCD PD will reintroduce the enforcement of Parking at all SCCCD Campuses. A parking permit or daily permit will be required to park at all SCCCD Campuses. The Semester’s permit must be displayed in plain view with all numbers and markings clearly visible. All privately owned vehicles parked at any SCCCD campus must conspicuously display a valid permit through the windshield. Registered motorcycles will park for free in designated areas.
SCCCD has partnered with Parking Management Bureau (PMB) to offer students, faculty, and staff the convenience of purchasing parking permits online. You can buy your semester parking permit by visiting MyCampusPermit.comon your smartphone, laptop, or desktop. Faculty and staff will have the option to purchase an annual permit. Students, Faculty, and Staff can access MyCampusPermit.com through the My Portal dashboard. The user must create an account on MyCampusPermit.com and provide their vehicle’s License Plate Number, Make, Model, and Color. Failure to obtain a valid parking permit will result in a citation. For help with your permit, call 1-800-700-4417 or visit visit MyCampusPermit.com.
How do I purchase a permit?
Students registering for classes using My Portal will have the opportunity to pay for the semester’s parking permit. The Student’s MY Portal dashboard will have a PMB icon that links to the college’s landing page. The student must complete class registration to have access to their dashboard. Prospective students must apply to one of the District’s college campuses before being given access to My Portal. New students will receive access to My Portal within 24 hours after submitting the online CCCApply application. Students can only purchase the parking permit for the current session.
How much does a permit cost?
Student parking permits are required for Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Fall and Spring permits are $30.00 for Cars, SUVs, Vans, and Pickup trucks. Summer permits are $20.00 for Cars, SUVs, Vans, and Pickup trucks. Daily permits may be purchased online at mycampuspermit.com for $1.00. Semester permits can be purchased online through MyCampusPermit.com. You can buy an optional permit hangar MyCampusPermit.com or your campus bookstore. The Business Office at Fresno City College and Reedley College and the Admissions and Records Office at Clovis Community College and Madera Community College can assist you in navigating the permit purchase, as can the staff at SCCCD PD Headquarters.
To access free parking, motorcyclists must register their motorcycle’s license plate with PMB and park in a motorcycle-designated area. The license plate will serve to determine if the motorcycle is parked legally on campus. Non-registered motorcycles or those parked in a regular vehicle parking space must have a valid parking permit (Semester or Daily Permit).
Where do I park?
Students may park only in the lots designated as student lots. A map of the campus and the location of these lots may be obtained on the SCCCD Police Department website. Staff, Faculty, Students, and guests with a state DMV-issued accessible placard or license plates may park in any designated disabled space at any of our locations. Vehicles illegally parked in staff, disabled, no parking, or other restricted areas are always subject to citation.
Accessible Parking
Staff, Faculty, Students, and guests with a state DMV-issued accessible placard or license plates may park in any designated disabled space at any of our campus locations without a campus parking permit. If a designated disabled parking space is unavailable, the placard holder may park in an open parking space and must display their disabled placard.
Campus Maps
Parking Enforcement
Failure to obtain a valid parking permit or registering a motorcycle will result in a citation. The fine for illegal Parking without a parking permit is $40.00. Late citation payments accrue after twenty-one (21) days doubling the fine, $80.00. After, administrative fees accrue from delayed fine payments.
Do you have a grace period?
The grace period for student parking permits is allowed the first two weeks of each semester. No citations are issued for vehicles legally parked in marked student spaces during this period. Cars illegally parked in staff, disabled, no parking, or other restricted areas are always subject to citation.
Where do I find SCCCD’s Traffic and Parking regulations?
The SCCCD Traffic and Parking Policy is on the SCCCD PD website.
Students, Faculty and Staff:
Purchase a semester parking permit.
Please print your temporary permit after your purchase is completed.