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Fall permits available beginning July 19, 2024.

General Parking Information

A University parking permit is required from 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Friday. Parking permits are not required after 5 p.m. on Fridays and on weekends. Permits must be properly displayed so that they are visible to a person standing in front of your vehicle.

Those with a General Parking permit may park in Staff/Faculty parking lots AFTER 5 PM Monday-Friday and on weekends.

Daily parking permits are $2 an hour or $10 a day and may be purchased at our dispensers which are located around campus. Click the following link for dispenser locations: Campus Map. Daily permits must be placed on your vehicle’s dashboard and be clearly visible.

Concord Center - Permits are no longer needed in the general lots. Please read the complete update on the following link: Concord Student / General Parking Lot Changes.

Faculty and Staff Permits - Click Here and scroll down to employee parking permits.

Semester Permit Parking Rates

FALL SEMESTER PERMIT $195          (Motorcycle only permit $97.50)

SPRING SEMESTER PERMIT $195          (Motorcycle only permit $97.50)

SUMMER SESSION PERMIT $100          (Motorcycle only permit $50.00)

Permits are pro-rated during the semester/session, use this link for reduced rates and dates.

Accessible Parking

Staff, Faculty, Students and University Guests who have a state-issued accessible parking placard or license plate may park in any designated parking space on campus. You must also display a University parking permit along with your Accessible placard or plate.

Electric Vehicle Parking

Electric Vehicle parking is available on campus in parking lots A, D, G, J, K, & L. Electric vehicles must display a valid parking permit to park in the electric vehicle spaces.

Contact Information

Department of Parking & Alternative Transportation Services
Student & Faculty Support Building (SF140)
(510) 885-3790

Community Members
To purchase a parking permit as a community member. You will need to create an account.


Did you receive a parking ticket?

Visit the Parking Management Bureau website to pay or contest your citation.